Monday, February 11, 2013

Fear the Beard!

This thing is coming off one way or another VERY SOON! :) This 2 the last chance to break the attendance record of 33. If it happens....the beard is gone, but you get to choose what gets shaved off. If the record isn't broken, then I get to shave it how I want to...either's coming off! So itchy! :) EACH OF YOU HAS TO INVITE FRIENDS TO COME!!!! We had 4 visitors last week and 27 in attendance....while that's pretty sweet, that's not enough! We need more! Don't be shy, don't be embarrassed...they are coming to hear the good news of salvation, which is the ultimate reason to bring them in the first place! The beard thing...that's just for fun, but inviting friends to church is a seriously awesome thing! Seeya Wednesday!

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