Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas and New Year's UPDATES

Reminding y'all the schedule for the next couple weeks:
December 19 - we DO have youth group!
December 23 - Christmas Bible Baseball for Sunday School and then Caroling and Soup Supper in place of the evening service...starting at the church @ 5:00 pm.
December 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY!!!
December 26 - NO youth group :(
December 30 - Breakfast at McDonalds
January 1st - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
January 2 - NO youth group
January 9 - YOUTH GROUP BACK ON!!!!!

Reindeer Games was FUN!

Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to the Christmas party Saturday night! Hope you had lots of fun! Have you been using your white elephant gifts? Wondering if Tanner has the toilet paper dog all set up at home yet? :) Thanks again for coming. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Party TIME CHANGE

Hey everyone, the Youth Group Christmas Party will still be on Saturday, December 15th, but the party will be from 5-8pm instead of 4-7pm. There is Christmas Program practice on that same day at 4pm so we will push back the start time to 5pm and be done somewhere around 8pm. Everything else is the exact same. Dinner will be provided at the church. If you could bring a dessert or a bag of chips that would be great! Also, don't forget a $5 white elephant gift to exchange as well! Thanks!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Youth Group tonight!

Are you pumped? YOU SHOULD BE! Youth Group is back on tonight starting at 6:30. Invite your friends and we'll see all y'all there!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving this Thursday! Beware of tricktefan. If you don't know what that is google it. :) Just a quick youth group reminder...remember there is no youth group this Wednesday night. We'll pick back up on the 28th. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day...why should I care?

If you are not 18 yet, does today matter at all to you? Well I must admit that when I was a teenager I didn't care all that much when elections happened...BUT I SHOULD HAVE! I didn't have anyone who explained to me why I should care. Do you know who was president the entire time I was a teenager? Bill Clinton. Um....I should have cared. Today our current President, Barack Obama is up for re-election. You should care. Why? Not for political reasons necessarily. I mean, economics, health care, and foreign policy do affect teenagers to a certain degree, but the real reasons you should care is because of spiritual reasons. You should care that our president be someone who doesn't support abortion or same sex marriage. These things are clearly against God and His Word. So what can you do? You can't vote yet, but you can PRAY. I didn't spend a lot of time studying this out or anything, but I just thought I would share with you the thoughts I was having on Election Day, November 6, 2012.

I'm Pastor Jake, and I approve this message. (Hopefully God does too)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Let's give it another try....

Wednesday's weather; Partly cloudy with 0% chance of precipitation! Lord willing that will remain true and we can have the COOKOUT AND BONFIRE at the Hubbell's house! Remember to bring a dessert or a bag of chips. If you need a ride we will be leaving from the church at 6:35. We will return by 8:00. Thanks and we hope to see you there!

Monday, October 22, 2012

COOKOUT and BONFIRE this Wednesday night!

WEATHER PERMITTING, we are excited about the cookout and bonfire this Wednesday night at the Hubbell's house! If it's raining or if the ground is all muddy we will most likely postpone the cookout until Wednesday night, October 31st, but WE WILL LET YOU KNOW if it's postponed. It looks like there is no rain in the forecast for Wednesday so, Lord willing, it will go as scheduled. Remember, if you need a ride meet Loren and I, or the Largent's here at the church Wednesday at 6:30. We will be leaving at 6:35. Bring a bag of chips, or a dessert with you. Steve has a bunch of hay bales out there so we should all have somewhere to sit. However, if you want to bring a lawn chair feel free. We will be eating and singing until around 8:00pm so dress warm and we'll see you there!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey y'all! Here are the 3 activities...more like hang out times. October 19th (This Friday) Muskie football game then haning out at PJ and Loren's after the game. October 24th (Next Wednesday) Cookout and Bonfire at the Hubbell's. 6:30-8. October 26th (Next Friday) Movie and Game Night at First Baptist Church on Mulberry. 7-10pm. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL AT EACH HANG OUT!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

M A N I 2 M I

Camp Manitoumi in 3 days! I wanted to give you a couple reminders about what to bring and what time to be here and stuff. All of this stuff should be on the "what to bring" list. Don't forget WATER. Cristian and Colton are bring 2 - 24 packs of water. If you want to bring that many feel free! I'm sure you'll use it! Don't forget to look into some poison ivy cream or soap or whatever will help you prevent it, get rid of it, or deal with it. :) Bring some extra cash for snacks and stuff at the camp. Guys - bring some work gloves, safety glasses (sun glasses would be fine), and some work boots. Be here at 4:15 pm this Sunday and we'll pack up and go! I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys are too! Don't forget a Bible, notebook, and pen as well! It's gonna be awesome!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Hope you are enjoying the book! Thanks for sharing what you learned last week! Have read chapter 2 for discussion on Wednesday! SEEYA THEN!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mani2mi......2 weeks away!

Hey everyone! The mission's trip is literally less than 2 weeks away! It is going to be a great trip! The "what to bring" list is all ready to go and will be passed out Wednesday night at youth group. If you have a part in the drama then let's get together an hour before youth group to go over it. Can everyone make it at 5:30? I'll probably email and call everyone too, but just in case you have checked the blog I thought i would put it on here too. Also, we are in need of transportation for the trip as well. If your parents are willing to let us borrow a vehicle for this week that would be great! Let me PJ know as soon as possible.  O.K. seeya Wednesday!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sad Face: Youth Group Cancelled on May 9th

Hey everybody, I have decided to cancel youth group next Wednesday, May 9th. Did you just make that same face? All of the youth leaders aren't able to make it and all the other adults are starting small groups that night. Therefore,there are a couple of things to think about. If you need to turn in your camp registration you'll have to do that by Sunday, May 13th. The registration form and the $25 fee are due on that Sunday. Also, the cre8tive discipleship program ending date will be pushed back one week to May 16th. That will give you some extra time to finish up the work you have left to do, and give you an extra week to get ready for the verse test! :) Also, I will be in touch with those who are going to Adventureland about the time we will be leaving. If you have any questions please give Pastor Jake a call at (563) 571-0373. Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Reminders are never a bad thing! :) If you are planning on going to Adventureland, or if you are planning on bringing a friend along with you, money to go is due tomorrow night at youth group. The cost is $21 per person. Also, if you have talked it over with your parents and have decided to go on the mission's trip, please have your applications filled out and turned in so we can make preparations to go. That's it for now! Gracias!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


May 2nd - Adventureland money is due. $21 per person.
May 2nd - All Mission's Trip Applications due. (date extended due to jr. high being invited)
May 9th - Camp Registration is due. Registration form and $25 registration fee.
May 9th - Last night to finish cre8tive discipleship in the youth group.

May16th - $10 is due for the book we will be going through this summer.

Lots of things due in the month of May, not to mention all the final schoolwork the teens will have to turn in. Busy month! If you have questions feel free to call, text, or email Pastor Jake. Thanks!

Food, Friends, and Great Weather = FUN!

We had a great turnout this last Saturday for the Parent/Teen Cookout at Wildcat Den. We enjoyed great food and getting to know each other more. We also enjoyed a couple of great volleyball (where the parents dominated) and croquet games. Yes, croquet. The Boucher's brought their croquet set and we enjoyed learning how to play it! The teens also enjoyed hiking around the trails the state park has. Overall it was a successful day with awesome weather! Thanks to everyone who came and brought food/drinks!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Parent/Teen Cookout

Parent/Teen Cookout is scheduled for April 21st at Wildcat Den State Park starting at 12:30. Sign up sheets for food and how many in your family are coming are on the table in the youth room. Please sign up you and your parents/grandparents. Make sure to sign up to bring a food item as well. Remember also to TELL YOUR PARENTS what you signed up for so that they will know as well. We will eat, play games, get to know each other, and spend some quality time with our parents. If you have any questions please feel free to ask Pastor Jake. Pray for good weather! Seeya there!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

MISSION'S TRIP: Ahhh! Something is due!

"Aaahhh!!!! I FORGOT!" Haha....I hope these aren't the words you say or the face you'll make when you come to youth group next Wednesday night. (April 4th) Mission's trip applications are due this coming Wednesday. There are 2 pages to it. Fill the first one out and sign it and have your parents sign it, and then sign and have your parents sign the second page. Then we can start getting ready for it and get the t-shirts ordered! Did you know????...that the mission's trip is June 10-16? That is 11 weeks from this week!....o.k. my turn "AAAaahhhh!" O.K. sorry...just realized we gotta get on the ball with preparing for it! :) Seeya Wednesday!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Couple things to remember...

Hey y'all! Loren and I will not be there this Wednesday, March 21st, so I wanted to give you a couple reminders. We'll be putting a bigger emphasis than ever before on the cre8tive discipleship program. We have basically 2 months before it ends. Camp Scholarships are based on it so it is very important to stay on top of it. If you ever have any questions about it please feel free to ask! Grab a new "MuscaTEEN Times" out on the foyer table. There are some interesting things to read about, but also updates on what is coming up. Teens who are going on the mission's trip don't forget to fill out your registration papers and turn them in by Wednesday night, April 4th. That should be it for now! Seeya Sunday!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Happy Spring Break to you all.....except for those who live in Aledo! :( Don't worry....your Spring Break is coming. WE ARE STILL HAVING YOUTH GROUP! Yes....even though there is No Awana, we are having youth group still. So!....Seeya there! 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Scottage Cheese

Hey everyone...quick update on Mr. Scott Tanner. He has safely arrived in Wyoming and is settling in there. He is really missing the youth group and the church, but we know that God will give Scott peace and understanding. Thanks for everyone who put some good memories of Scott on the facebook page. Let's all continue to pray for him as God continues to lead His life! Thanks! (This is a picture of Scott being goofy on the mission's trip last summer...and yes....that's a Cub's shirt.)

Monday, February 27, 2012

This Wednesday...

Hey everybody...just sending out a reminder that we are meeting at Pastor's House this Wednesday night to hear Curtis Fry speak. The times are the same. (6:30-8) If you forget and come to the youth room I'll have a note reminding you to come on up to his house. Seeya Wednesday!
ps: Great job those of you that participated in the youth service Sunday morning! Remind your leaders to mark "Youth Emphasis Service" in your cre8tive discipleship books when we meet again on the 7th of March! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Funny Pictures from WM#3 @ IRBC

No coat for Tanner, Scottage up in the air, and where's Jake going?

Now that's what I call "Friendly Fire!"

Oops! He was looking at me when the picture was taken...awkward! :)

Colton "Wilson" Oldfield!

Chandler going crazy off the

Heather is sooooo tired! She's sound asleep while standing!

Look at those eyes! Scary!

Taylor loved the candy cane game!

Jake and his best buddy David! Playoffs?

Good Times.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow-less Meltdown....but a Power-full God!

We may not have had any snow, but we had an awesome time at Winter Meltdown 2012! We learned a lot about God and how we should live for Him. The question was asked "What should we do" with all of the heart-ache, pain, suffering, and loss in our world today? We learned about what our Biblical responses should be. We were challenged by Pastor Dark to have compassion, be connected, stay consistent, and be committed to patience. It was evident that these messages had an impact on the students that were there. The testimony time we had on Saturday evening was evidence of that. Of course, the activities and games and challenges were a blast too!....and the best thing of all....Jake's friend Brent accepted Christ as His Savior too! What a blessing! What a fun trip! What a God who is full of love and grace! Special thanks to Chase and Deeann Oldfield for being youth leaders on this trip. I believe they have moved into the "veteran" status when it comes to Winter Meltdowns! This was their 4th year in a row going to Winter Meltdown! We need to say a BIG THANK YOU to them for their faithful service and a BIG THANK YOU to God for His many blessings!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Wouldn't it be awesome to have that much snow?! Either way we are leaving this Friday from the church at 1:00pm. Be here a little early so we can pack up our stuff and have a word of prayer. Here is a what to bring list just in case you misplaced your other one: Bedding (Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets for a twin bed, pillows), Toiletries, Towel, Bible, Notebook, Pen, Warm Clothes/Shoes/Boots, dry clothes/ socks. Clothes for gym and for the climbing wall. Board games for free time. Some extra cash for dinner and snacks. You can bring your own snacks if you choose. Please do not bring iPods, video games, electronic devices, etc. It should be an exciting and spiritually challenging weekend! Hope you are looking forward to it!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's a BUSY

Hey everyone, there are a couple of things coming up to remember. This Wednesday, February 8th, we are having youth group even though PJ and Loren will be out of town. Steve and Joann Hubbell will be leading youth group. SNOW TUBING at SNOWSTAR is this Saturday night. Give your $13 to Daniel Novak, or just pay $15 at the door. On the 15th, if you would like to watch the Awana Grand Prix you can, however if you would rather go to regular youth group you can do that as well.'s on to Winter Meltdown! There are quite a few of you who need to pay still. That's ok, just get the $50 to Pastor Jake before we leave that Friday. Then on the 26th (Sunday) we will be having a youth service to report from Winter Meltdown! That's it for February! Just wait until March! One quick reminder: remember to bring your $1 for Kamohelo!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Our new little buddy!

This is Kamohelo (Kaw-ma-hay-low). He is 8 years old and lives in Welkom, South Africa. Wednesday night, January 25, 2012 the youth group at Walnut Park Baptist Church in Muscatine, Iowa decided to take on the awesome responsibility of sponsoring Kamohelo. Kamohelo lives at the Restoring Hope Village in Welkom where he receives the necessary food, clothing, shelter, christian education, and love that every child needs. Louis and Amber O'Tool (friends of Pastor Jake and Loren) are missionaries that live and work at the village under the Restoring Hope International Ministry. Kamohelo just celebrated his birthday on the 21st of January, but also celebrated his spiritual birthday on the 8th of January. "I love Jesus! I prayed Jesus into my heart! I love Jesus! I love Jesus!" he proclaimed as he reflected on the decision that he made to trust Christ. The teens are excited to sponsor him and to communicate with him through email, letters, and even through skype! Lord willing, this will help the teens see and understand that there are people all over the world that need physical help, but even more importantly need spiritual help! Please be praying for Kamohelo and the other children in the village, as well as the missionaries that are serving the Lord there!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Snow Tubing @ SNOWSTAR!!!
February 11th from 5-9 pm. Cost: $13 - pre-paid to Daniel Novak before that night otherwise it will be $15 at the gate. If you need a ride let someone know and we can work out those details! PRAY FOR SNOW!.....and safety of course! It's going to be SNOW much fun! (Winter humor :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Staying Cre8tive!...

This is a cre8tive double reminder....are you ready? Here are some new Claim the Name Youth Group magnets (for your fridge) that will hopefully help you remember to do your cre8tive discipleship stuff (quiet times, verses, christian services, and books) throughout the week and it's another reminder to check the BLOG frequently for the latest updates and announcements related to the youth group. Cre8tive huh? :) Seeya Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Winter Meltdown Forms Due Tonight!

Hey everyone...this is a friendly reminder that the forms for winter meltdown are due tonight! Aaaahhh! Hope you didn't forget! If you did fill one out with your parents real quick! You can even do it before or after youth group tonight! We have 17 spots to fill and so far I have 3 registration forms. Aaahhhh! :) Seeya tonight!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Winter Meltdown Forms Due Soon!

Hey everybody! Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's! This is a reminder that your medical forms for winter meltdown are due on the 11th of January. Money is due before we leave for the trip on February 17-19. Thanks and looking forward to seeing you this Wednesday! PRAY FOR SNOW! :)


Another year to Love God and Live for Him! What is God going to do through you this year? Are you willing to give your life to Him? If and when you do get ready.....cuz He has some awesome things in store for 2012! Happy New Year!