Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NEW TIME SCHEDULE for Wednesday's

Youth Group (and Awana) will now be from 6:30-8:00PM every Wednesday.

*REMINDER - This Wednesday night we are helping with the Awana Kick-off. We will go over Chapters 9-10 in our book on Wednesday Night, September 8th.

*Another Reminder - if you ordered a t-shirt for See You at the Pole, please bring your money this Wednesday night. Thanks!

This message was brought to you by, THE JAKES.

Reveal - See You AT The Pole 2010

SEPTEMBER 22, 2010

Heaven Song by Phil Wickham

One day, we will all be in one of 2 places; heaven or hell. Where will you be? This song talks about how awesome heaven is going to be. Let's take as many people with us as we can!

Who have you witnessed to today?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mercer County Wins Home Opener!

The Mercer County Golden Eagles won on Friday night in story book fashion as Walnut Park Baptist's Luke Boucher kicked a 29 yard field goal with just 8 seconds left on the clock to put the Mercer County Golden Eagles ahead by 3 points. The Golden Eagles would ultimately go on to win it with a score of 31-28! "I wasn't nervous. They called a timeout to ice me and I was like whatever," said Luke after the game at his home in Aledo, IL. Also on the Mercer County team is another Boucher boy, Jake, who plays Linebacker and Tight End for the Golden Eagles. "I was praying for Luke that he would make it," said Jake. Jake played a great game Friday night as well. However due to major cramping he was not able to jump up and down and cheer when his brother, Luke, put the pigskin through the uprights. "Every time I moved I was crampin' up!" On Sunday morning, 2 days after the game, School Superintendent Alan Boucher shared with his men's Sunday School class "Usually teams call timeouts to ice the kicker, but instead they iced the dad!" The ice was broken however when the field goal was made and Mr. Boucher went crazy high-fiving and yelling! Soon to follow was a chant by the crowd "Luke, Luke, Luke..." One of the neatest things about the whole story was that right before the final kick Luke was reciting a memory verse in his head that has become his favorite verse in life, I Corinthians 10:31. "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." The youth group and people of Walnut Park Baptist Church are proud of the Boucher's and wish them luck the rest of the season! P.S. the Muskies won Friday night too! :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Boucher's Football Game

This Friday Night
We are leaving from the church at 6:00 p.m.
Cost: $2 per student, $3 per adult
We will be going over to the Boucher's after the game as well!
If your parents are o.k. with it you can drive yourself, but if you need to know how to get there you can follow the group there.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First day of School HUMOR...

How to know if you should be in the same grade as last year after the first day of school:
  • The teacher asks you to name 6 wild animals. You say "2 lions and 4 tigers."
  • You get home after your first day of school and your mom asks you what you learned today and you say "Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!"
  • The teacher asks you to name 2 days in the week that start with a T and you say "Today and Tomorrow."
  • The teacher asks you to pay a little attention and you say "I'm paying as little attention as I can."
  • The teachers asks you where your homework is and you say "I ate it because you said it was a piece of cake."
  • Your teacher tells you your shoes are on the wrong feet and you say "But these are the only feet I've got!"
  • You get home after your first day of school and immediately go to the couch and turn on the Backyardagains!

Hope everybody had a great day of school today!

Seeya at church tonight!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Top 10 bad excuses for not doing homework...

10. I didn't want the other kids in class to look bad!
9. Another student fell into a lake and I jumped in to save them and unfortunately my homework drowned!
8. Our furnace broke so we had to burn my homework to keep from freezing!
7. I wanted to frame the attention letter you're about to give me!
6. My mom used it as a dryer sheet!
5. I felt it wasn't challenging enough!
4. We had homework!?
3. I have a solar powered calculator, it was cloudy!
2. It's against my religion to do homework!

And the #1 bad excuse for not doing your homework...

My parents were sick and unable to do my homework last night. Don't worry, they have been suitably punished!

School starts tomorrow for some of you. Others have already started. Advice from your youth pastor: DO YOUR HOMEWORK! :)

Taken from www.bellaonline.com

STUFF for this Wednesday Night

Hey everybody, here are a few things to remember to bring this Wednesday Night:
  1. Your schedules. Work, sports, band, and anything else you know of.
  2. If you want to order a t-shirt for See-You-At-The-Pole bring your money. The most expensive t-shirt is $11.50. The least expensive is $7.95. You can buy a hoodie for $16.50. There are other things you can buy too like wristbands and lanyards. So bring your moo-lah if you want to order something.
  3. Snacks or whatever you want to bring for Anthony. It is his last Wednesday night with us. :(
  4. Your books and notes so we can highlight what we learned.
  5. Stories of witnessing opportunities, and passing out tracts.

2 days left to pass out tracts!

You can do it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't forget to pass out your tracts!

Are you on TRACT to pass out 10 tracts before Wednesday? Get out there and BE BOLD for Jesus Christ! Come ready to share your experiences Wednesday night! Also, make sure you have read Chapters 7-8 in your book and come ready to discuss things you learned. This has been a great study together so far! Let's keep it going!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 words... Bouchers, Football

Friday Night, August 27th - let's go & support Luke and Jake Boucher and their football season opener! We will talk about details and times as the days get closer! ALSO...after the game we are tentatively planning on heading over to the Bouchers to hang out for awhile so plan on that too!

On the right TRACT!!!

This is a blog post straight from the hearts of your youth pastor and wife. Last night was VERY encouraging for us. To see the teens in our youth group willing and excited to pass out tracts was awesome! It was very cool! God will totally honor you for be willing to step out of your comfort zone and reach people with the gospel. I am super-excited about what God is going to do in the youth group this year. When we are done with the book we are going through we are going to be starting a new "program" called Word of Life Student Ministries. I haven't really told anyone about it yet, but it's going to be amazing! I know in my heart that God has some great things in store for each of the teens and the group as a whole. So to hear that you guys want to go to a Hawkeye game to pass out tracts really verifies in my mind that this group is ready to go BIG for God! If you are confused about this blog post...it will all make sense when I talk about it at the end of September. This Saturday night we are having a sponsor meeting to get the ball rolling with the new student ministries idea. So for now....go and be BOLD for Jesus Christ! I can't wait to hear how God used you to pass out at least ten tracts! I will be praying for you guys to have boldness and then great opportunities!

Monday, August 16, 2010


This Wednesday Night we will be discussing the questions from Chapter's 5 and 6. Chapter 6's title is pretty cool, "If they're breathing, they need Jesus." Come ready to talk and discuss. Also come ready to share times you had witnessing to the people who you wrote on the wall.

*GIRLS, Bible Study today at Loren's house!*

Thursday, August 12, 2010

S.N.A.C. this SUNDAY Night

HA! Actually it stands for Sunnday Night After Church!
This Sunday Night, the youth group is invited to caravan out to the Boucher's house for a SNAC. We will all be leaving from the church church at the same time so you won't need to worry about directions. It takes about a half an hour to get there and then the same back so make sure you talk to your parents and get permission.
It should be fun! THANKS to the BOUCHERS!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our new brother in CHRIST!

Scott Tanner accepted Christ as his Savior on Tuesday, July 27th!!!
Welcome to the family Scott!

SR. HIGH CAMP PICTURES...a few anyways...

Luke and Cassie

PJ, Jake, and Anthony

Cassie, Jenny, Loren, Kendra, Leigha, Brooke, and Morgan Luke and Kendra

Just a small glimpse of the great week at Sr. High Camp!

See You At The Pole

September 22, 2010
"See" you there!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


hEY yA'LL! tONIGHT wE fINALL sTART THE bOOK "One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven!" Come prepared to write a name on the WE ARE WITNESSES wall.

Just a reminder; The International Give Away is coming up on Saturday, August 14th. If you can go that would be awesome! Let PJ know when you can. Thanks!

If you remember, PRAY for Daylan Oldfield as he will be traveling back from California very soon!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sr. High Camp pics and stories coming soon!

This is a pretty busy week for me (PJ) cuz of the youth service and preaching on Sunday morning and Sunday School and the all church camp out, etc, etc, etc.....but Sr. High pics and testimonies will be on here soon....i pwomise.

By the way...YOUTH SERVICE this Sunday night! (6:30 pm) Invite your family and friends!