Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Let's give it another try....

Wednesday's weather; Partly cloudy with 0% chance of precipitation! Lord willing that will remain true and we can have the COOKOUT AND BONFIRE at the Hubbell's house! Remember to bring a dessert or a bag of chips. If you need a ride we will be leaving from the church at 6:35. We will return by 8:00. Thanks and we hope to see you there!

Monday, October 22, 2012

COOKOUT and BONFIRE this Wednesday night!

WEATHER PERMITTING, we are excited about the cookout and bonfire this Wednesday night at the Hubbell's house! If it's raining or if the ground is all muddy we will most likely postpone the cookout until Wednesday night, October 31st, but WE WILL LET YOU KNOW if it's postponed. It looks like there is no rain in the forecast for Wednesday so, Lord willing, it will go as scheduled. Remember, if you need a ride meet Loren and I, or the Largent's here at the church Wednesday at 6:30. We will be leaving at 6:35. Bring a bag of chips, or a dessert with you. Steve has a bunch of hay bales out there so we should all have somewhere to sit. However, if you want to bring a lawn chair feel free. We will be eating and singing until around 8:00pm so dress warm and we'll see you there!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey y'all! Here are the 3 activities...more like hang out times. October 19th (This Friday) Muskie football game then haning out at PJ and Loren's after the game. October 24th (Next Wednesday) Cookout and Bonfire at the Hubbell's. 6:30-8. October 26th (Next Friday) Movie and Game Night at First Baptist Church on Mulberry. 7-10pm. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL AT EACH HANG OUT!