Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Youth Group tonight!

Are you pumped? YOU SHOULD BE! Youth Group is back on tonight starting at 6:30. Invite your friends and we'll see all y'all there!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving this Thursday! Beware of tricktefan. If you don't know what that is google it. :) Just a quick youth group reminder...remember there is no youth group this Wednesday night. We'll pick back up on the 28th. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day...why should I care?

If you are not 18 yet, does today matter at all to you? Well I must admit that when I was a teenager I didn't care all that much when elections happened...BUT I SHOULD HAVE! I didn't have anyone who explained to me why I should care. Do you know who was president the entire time I was a teenager? Bill Clinton. Um....I should have cared. Today our current President, Barack Obama is up for re-election. You should care. Why? Not for political reasons necessarily. I mean, economics, health care, and foreign policy do affect teenagers to a certain degree, but the real reasons you should care is because of spiritual reasons. You should care that our president be someone who doesn't support abortion or same sex marriage. These things are clearly against God and His Word. So what can you do? You can't vote yet, but you can PRAY. I didn't spend a lot of time studying this out or anything, but I just thought I would share with you the thoughts I was having on Election Day, November 6, 2012.

I'm Pastor Jake, and I approve this message. (Hopefully God does too)