Wednesday, April 28, 2010


hEY eVERYONE!!! tHIS wEDNESDAY nIGHT iS bIG wEDNESDAY!!! o.k. enough small caps and big this Wednesday is very important for the youth group. We have the big VBS announcement during the Awana closing ceremony and then we serve the ice cream afterwards. I, Pastor Jake, am still at camp painting so Ronnie, Steve, and Brooke are in charge! Those helping with VBS will help with the announcement (dancing with the big cardboard cut outs)...and everyone else will help pass out fliers to the kids...then everyone will help serve ice cream! The kids are counting on us...we (what i really mean is YOU) can do it!!! I have full confidence in you guys! If you have questions ask Ronnie...i emailed him all the stuff i could think of. O.K. go get 'em!....and a BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gratis Estallido! a.k.a. free pop

Come to youth group tonight and quote the purpose statement (located on the side bar) and receive a Gratis Estallido!

Adventureland Youth Rally Updates

Hey y'all. Don't forget Adventureland Youth Rally money ($20) is due next Wednesday night. (April 28th) Turn in your money to either Ronnie or Brooke. Just a reminder: if you commit to going you will be responsible for paying for the that ticket. INVITE, INVITE, INVITE!!! Let's see if we can beat our total of 35 from 2 yrs. ago. If you have any questions you can call Pastor Jake or Loren. Sponsors are $18. PRAY FOR GOOD WEATHER! Click the PIC on the side bar to check out Adventureland's newest attraction!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Get a FREE POP tonight!

Come up to Pastor Jake tonight and quote our theme verse (Romans 1:16) and get a free pop!

Some of the favorites!

When asked what their favorites were, here's what they said:

What's your favorite Bible verse?
Kendra Ballensky - Psalm 117
Jennifer Hubbell - Philippians 4:13
Leigha Phillips - John 3:16
Loren Rosekopf - Jeremiah 29:11

What's your favorite thing about God?
Kendra Ballensky - His Miracles
Jennifer Hubbell & Becca Jones - His Forgiveness
Loren Rosekopf - His Grace & Forgiveness

What is one of your favorite Christian songs?
Kendra Ballensky - Hold My Heart
Jennifer Hubbell - Give Me Your Eyes
Leigha Phillis - He Is
Loren Rosekopf - Born Again

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Special Project Day and Grilling Out

Hey everyone! Saturday, April 17th we are going to have a youth group "special project" day and then we are going to grill out at the Rosekopf's house. Working on the special projects will be from 2pm-5pm and then we will grill out right after that. The special projects are; painting VBS signs and decorations, organizing the youth room closet, organizing all of the new college information that I received, and maybe a little touch up painting in the youth room. If you would like to help paint bring some painting clothes when you come. If you have any questions, feel free to call Pastor Jake or Loren. This is for both Jr. and Sr. High students. Pray for good weather for grilling out! Seeya there!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

QUICK TIPS on how to use the new blog...

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out the new Youth Group blog. If you have never been on a blog before here are 4 quick tips to make things better and easier!
  1. Each month's posts will be saved in the archives, which are on the right down near the bottom. You can click on the month and check out the posts for that month.
  2. Click on some of the pictures to link to that pictures website. Right now I have Adventureland, IRBC, and I am not (a website from Answers in Genesis). Soon I will have a list of Bible Colleges on there where the teens and parents can go directly to that colleges website from this blog. If you know of a website that would be good to put on here let Pastor Jake know.
  3. "Follow" this blog if would like. Click on follow down below and learn how to become a "follower." Haha...kind of sounds funny huh?
  4. Vote in polls, check out pictures, read the posts, and enjoy! Suggestions and comments welcome! You can leave comments after each post. I'm not sure yet, but i think you have to be a "follower" to leave a comment.
Claim the Name of Christ and Proclaim it to all! Romans 1:16