Monday, February 27, 2012

This Wednesday...

Hey everybody...just sending out a reminder that we are meeting at Pastor's House this Wednesday night to hear Curtis Fry speak. The times are the same. (6:30-8) If you forget and come to the youth room I'll have a note reminding you to come on up to his house. Seeya Wednesday!
ps: Great job those of you that participated in the youth service Sunday morning! Remind your leaders to mark "Youth Emphasis Service" in your cre8tive discipleship books when we meet again on the 7th of March! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Funny Pictures from WM#3 @ IRBC

No coat for Tanner, Scottage up in the air, and where's Jake going?

Now that's what I call "Friendly Fire!"

Oops! He was looking at me when the picture was taken...awkward! :)

Colton "Wilson" Oldfield!

Chandler going crazy off the

Heather is sooooo tired! She's sound asleep while standing!

Look at those eyes! Scary!

Taylor loved the candy cane game!

Jake and his best buddy David! Playoffs?

Good Times.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow-less Meltdown....but a Power-full God!

We may not have had any snow, but we had an awesome time at Winter Meltdown 2012! We learned a lot about God and how we should live for Him. The question was asked "What should we do" with all of the heart-ache, pain, suffering, and loss in our world today? We learned about what our Biblical responses should be. We were challenged by Pastor Dark to have compassion, be connected, stay consistent, and be committed to patience. It was evident that these messages had an impact on the students that were there. The testimony time we had on Saturday evening was evidence of that. Of course, the activities and games and challenges were a blast too!....and the best thing of all....Jake's friend Brent accepted Christ as His Savior too! What a blessing! What a fun trip! What a God who is full of love and grace! Special thanks to Chase and Deeann Oldfield for being youth leaders on this trip. I believe they have moved into the "veteran" status when it comes to Winter Meltdowns! This was their 4th year in a row going to Winter Meltdown! We need to say a BIG THANK YOU to them for their faithful service and a BIG THANK YOU to God for His many blessings!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Wouldn't it be awesome to have that much snow?! Either way we are leaving this Friday from the church at 1:00pm. Be here a little early so we can pack up our stuff and have a word of prayer. Here is a what to bring list just in case you misplaced your other one: Bedding (Sleeping bag or sheets and blankets for a twin bed, pillows), Toiletries, Towel, Bible, Notebook, Pen, Warm Clothes/Shoes/Boots, dry clothes/ socks. Clothes for gym and for the climbing wall. Board games for free time. Some extra cash for dinner and snacks. You can bring your own snacks if you choose. Please do not bring iPods, video games, electronic devices, etc. It should be an exciting and spiritually challenging weekend! Hope you are looking forward to it!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's a BUSY

Hey everyone, there are a couple of things coming up to remember. This Wednesday, February 8th, we are having youth group even though PJ and Loren will be out of town. Steve and Joann Hubbell will be leading youth group. SNOW TUBING at SNOWSTAR is this Saturday night. Give your $13 to Daniel Novak, or just pay $15 at the door. On the 15th, if you would like to watch the Awana Grand Prix you can, however if you would rather go to regular youth group you can do that as well.'s on to Winter Meltdown! There are quite a few of you who need to pay still. That's ok, just get the $50 to Pastor Jake before we leave that Friday. Then on the 26th (Sunday) we will be having a youth service to report from Winter Meltdown! That's it for February! Just wait until March! One quick reminder: remember to bring your $1 for Kamohelo!