Monday, December 13, 2010

COLD!!!! but thankful....

Wow! It is freezing outside today....yet....God is still good. My prayer on this frozen tundra day.

Lord, thank you. Thank you for the life you give, the blessings, the continual love. It may be cold outside, but your love will never grow cold. Your grace warms our thoughts. Your mercy reminds us of where we should be going when we that eternal hot place. You are good. You continue to prove it. Even when we ask "what are you doing?" you ALWAYS prove yourself to be the one and only Sovereign God. No one can comprehend your goodness, your love, your forgiveness. Our lives are but a care about us. You sent your Son for us. We bow in your presence. It's all because the blood of Jesus Christ, it covers me and raised this dead man's life. Father, we love you, we live for you, we worship you, we stand in awe, we can't wait for that day where we will see Jesus face to face. Pour out your continual grace and mercy on us. We need it. We try, we fail. We fail, you still love. Thank you, in Jesus Name Amen.

Stop and thank God today for all He has done, is doing, and will do.