Wednesday, January 30, 2013

School Cancelled = Youth Group Cancelled. :(

Well....we'll have to try to break the record next Wednesday. Sorry if you had invited some friends to come. We'll just have to get them to come next Wednesday! Maybe this week's cancelled youth group will be just what we need to have more time to invite more friends! Yeah! There we go! :) Staying positive! 

If you have nothing going on this Sunday morning, we will be meeting for Sunday School at 9:30am. It's just like youth group, just without songs, games, and snacks. Whoops...when I put it that way it sounds bad! But it's actually pretty fun. We learn from God's Word, but we have fun at the same time. Just ask the teens about the crossword puzzles, or the poems. They'll know what that means. :) This week we have another fun thing planned. You should come check it out. We meet in the same room as we do on Wednesday nights.

Winter Meltdown is just 16 days away! Hopefully you're getting excited for it! Hey! We may even have snow up there! That would be nice!

OK, we'll seeya either Sunday, Tuesday at lunch periods at the high school, or next Wednesday night. Stay warm! Bye!

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