Tuesday, June 29, 2010

VBS NIGHT #2! Ye-haw!!!!

44 KIDS the first night. Last year, the first night we had 35!
Seeya there at 5:45!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010


This Wednesday Night at Chis-urch we are going to be "preparing" for Veebs.
Veebs is the faster way of saying VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL.
So....if you would like to paint, bring some paint clothes...if you would like to help figure out stage set up with PJ, bring your brains.
ALSO...get ready to learn some fun Veebs songs too!
Veebs is a week from today (Monday).

Here are the teens that are helping in Veebs:

Jake, Luke, Carissa, Hillary, Kendra, Leigha, Anthony, Jenny, Cristina, and Kimberly.

***Remember to pray that God will give each of you opportunities to share the gospel and teach the ones already born again!***

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The IOWA CUP results are in...

Every teenager chose a country to represent...

There were 5 skills competitions with points awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, as well as an Iowa Cup 2010 Championship game.

The teen with the most points at the end of the competitions would be crowned the Iowa Cup 2010 Champion.


Mr. Luke Boucher representing Denmark

Luke won the Iowa Cup Trophy, a map of the world water bottle, and a signed ball by all the teens.

The top 3 winners of the Iowa Cup 2010 were...

Luke Boucher - 1st place

Jake Boucher - 2nd place

Hillary Lick - 3rd place

Jake and Hillary each won a water bottle as well.

Here are some of the pictures from the event.

Jenny (Switzerland)...showing us the Swiss can do more than make good cheese and army knives!

Kendra (Germany) she's just so happy!

Carissa (USA) showing off her soccer skills in the Iowa Cup Final Game!

Christina (Chile) planning her next kick!

Jake (hmm...obviously he chose Ghana)


Morgan (Brazil) and Hillary (Ivory Coast) takin' a break...it was hot out there...and humid!

Luke (Denmark) getting ready for his corner kick!

It was a successful, fun night together. To top off the fun night we had tacos and cherry coffee cake. It was yummy! Thanks to the Hubbell's for the coffee cake! Special thanks to God for no rain! :)

Watch some more World Cup action as the USA plays against Slovenia, Friday at 9a.m. on ESPN.

IoWa CuP....tOnIgHt!

GeT rEaDy FoR a FuN TiMe tOnIgHt!!!!
rEmEmBeR To dReSs uP In yOuR CoUnTrIeS cOlOrS aNd aPpArEl!!!!!
bE HeRe At 6:15 pM sHaRp So wE cAn StArT rIgHt AwAy!!! :)

pLeAsE rEaD tHe PoStS bEloW!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Iowa Cup information for you to know...

Hey! Are you excited for Wednesday night? Yes!
Tomorrow's forecast; Mostly Sunny, High of 84 degrees! Perfect!
The trophy that you see below is the trophy you can win Wednesday night.
Couple Reminders:
Bring a soccer ball with you if you have one.
Wear clothes you can run around in.
Soccer cleats are fine to wear.
Paint your faces, wear your countries t-shirt, bring your countries flag...all good things....
Bring a camera if you want to take some pictures.
Bring a water bottle to drink out of if you want.
And most importantly...be ready to have some fun!
Make sure you read the post below....

Friday, June 11, 2010

The IOWA CUP 2010

Wednesday Night, June 16..........

In the HEART of Muscatine, Iowa......

It's the IOWA CUP 2010!!!!

This event is a series of different SOCCER (futbol) challenges and skills competitions between the teens of Walnut Park Baptist Church.

Each teen will choose a country to represent as they compete in competitions such as the longest throw in, the most accurate corner kick, and penalty kicks. They will be earning points along the way.

At the end of the night we will award the teen who has earned the most points with the greatest achievement in sport history...the Iowa Cup.

(Deep voice) "You won't want to miss it!"

The event starts at 6:45 and goes to 8:15.

This event has been inspired by the Fifa World Cup 2010.

Go Team USA!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Ugliest Person Contest....HAHAHA!!!!

The contest: 5 rubber bands each, strap them around your face/head....make yourself UGLY! (not recommended for children or if you are already ugly :) j/k) At this time please put your hands up to your face and be ready to cover your eyes...here are the results......

Jake Boucher

Halie Osborn

Alexis Elgatian

Christina Halpain

Anthony Wright

Luke Boucher...only needed 1 rubber band.... :)

Hahahaha....this was hilarious to see. Hope you enjoyed!

Youth Ministry....lots of fun! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Friends, Part 3

Do you ever compare your life to someone else's? Tonight we are going to hear some more testimonies from some teenagers about how they compared their lives to others and how God helped them through it. Then we will look at a few examples from scripture of people who did the same thing and how Jesus rebuked that kind of thinking. Hope to see you there tonight! Oh and by the way...if you read this...I'll give you a free pop! Yippy Skippy! Seeya tonight!